A Caring, Experienced Attorney To Get You Through The Tough Times

Divorce Options in Columbus, Ohio

The decision to bring a marriage to an end is a difficult and emotional process. It is important to understand the options available to you, and the pros and cons of each option. In Ohio, there are three principal vehicles to end a marriage: divorce, dissolution and uncontested divorce. The fastest and least expensive options are uncontested divorce or dissolution. Both of these options can be completed in a relatively short time period (usually within 60 to 90 days), and provide a lot of control for the spouses involved.

Do you have a high net worth? These divorces may be more complex and can involve experts in areas such as real estate, investments, business valuation and more. Attorney Robert L. Caplan can assist you with these cases.

Uncontested Divorce

In an uncontested divorce, only the spouse who files the case must appear at the final hearing. This is important in examples of military divorces, or when one of the parties is out-of-state or simply unwilling to participate in the process. The appearing spouse must be accompanied by a witness. The uncontested divorce provides a fast and fairly inexpensive vehicle to bring things to a close, but if your spouse decides to fight it is easily converted to a contested divorce, helping things to move forward more expediently.


A popular option in Ohio is a “dissolution”. In a dissolution both parties must be in complete agreement on every issue, including division of assets and debts and child related matters, before the case is filed. Both parties must appear before the judge. This does not necessarily mean that there is an agreement on every issue when you start the process, but that you are willing to work together to negotiate reasonably and come to an agreement together. This provides you with the greatest flexibility and control over how their marriage will come to an end, and how your family will be structured after the dissolution.

Contested Divorce

A contested divorce is a lawsuit, where the parties need the Court’s assistance to resolve their differences. The judge or magistrate will determine how child custody and visitation will be structured, how much support will be paid by either party, the division of assets and liabilities, business ownership interest and all other issues that the parties cannot reach agreement upon. This process is the most expensive in terms of time, financial and emotional cost. There are definitely situations where you must stand up in court to protect your rights, or to ensure that matters are handled fairly and justly.

Contact Robert L. Caplan, An Experienced Columbus Divorce Attorney

I will work with you to discuss your unique situation and discuss the alternatives available to you as you consider this important decision in your life. I work with my clients to help keep costs down while providing the legal experience to ensure the best possible outcome in their case. Contact me today, or call (614) 252-2026 to schedule a free consultation, and let’s begin to work together to establish a path to your future.